The moms group has been planning a Carnival for a Cause for Aug 1st... I am making signs like crazy! Took a quick shot of the sign pile so far. Its nice to draw again! Im a bit rusty, but not too shabby =)

Price Chopper agreed to donate a gift card to the cause to get juice and supplies. So nice of them! I have a shaved ice machine and made the signs. I've also been trying to gather random things to use as prizes. Anyone want to help/contribute/enjoy the carnival, hit me up! It should be really cute!
Oh, and you can't beat FREE! I printed off a 10 dollar of a 10 dollar purchase coupon for pier 1 and got a nice sunflower wine glass! It was marked 10 and was expecting to pay tax or something, but the guy laughed and handed me the receipt, said he never saw anyone do that before =) I had 2 of them, but I gave my other one up so my sister could get something too. or else I'd have 2 new wine glasses! Its actually my first wine glass haha... just drank it out of regular cups before. Now I'm living large I suppose 8)

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