adorable fondant toppers :)

hokie pokie!

my yummy hot chocolate with Baileys mmmmm

teaching Maris to VOGUE


warming by the fire - burning hay bales!
definition of a Mommarazzi: play on the word Paparazzi. A Momma that snaps practically incessant photographs of her children every day - never leaving a camera behind! I jokingly coined the name for myself years ago when talking about how I would photograph my future children and it stuck =)Blogging about kids, crafts, photos and life. I have added the Marisa Photography aspect of the blog, which is my business that's still in the infancy stage. Eventually it will have it's own home!
So glad you guys had fun! I think everyone did. I agree the DJ really stepped it up this year! So nice spending the time with friends! Thanks for all the pictures you took, looking forward to seeing them!