Our day started out with the family waking me up early to go to the diner for breakfast... (I worked the night before so I was sleepy) and then headed back home... we gave him his gift - a LEGO board game that he has wanted - and hung around for a little while and did our own thing. I did some more party prep and he watched a kitchen show on netflix while the kids played. We DID end up playing the board game we got him LAST year for the first time.. haha R2D2 Trouble. Maris caught on how to play really quickly and was ruthless. She taunts and goes after people... its funny. We have a little competitor on our hands. :)

After we ate lunch, we headed out to the FunFest. It almost immediately started raining... but we had fun. The annual Family Fun Fest in our town is a free street festival with rides and a clown and music. Great local food too! It rained most of the time but it didn't stop us from going! Usually you can barely get around due to crowds but the rain kept the mobs down. The kids went on the rides (I went on a few with them :)) I don't know why Jim was so distracted but he didn't want to take them on any rides and he was in his own world. He seemed to have a good time... he tracked down a balloon for Jackson... we were walking and I said hey, there's the clown... and stopped so Maris could get a balloon animal. Jim just kept walking. I understand that this happens... but usually you NOTICE you are walking alone after a while... he got all the way to the end of the street before seeing we weren't with him... lol
It is actually scarily almost a metaphor for our relationship lately... not really in sync anymore. Guess its hard to be when you barely see each other...

but ANYWAY... we took them to the rides section first in case it started storming so bad that they closed down. They went on a few then wanted me to take them on the big potato sack slide... in the rain. I went with Jackson on my lap and my butt was SOAKED.. haha it didnt really bother me bc soon after, I was soaked anyway.

I baked some brownies for him with Maris and JAckson while he waited for his baseball game to come on (it never did... rain delays) and she served him his birthday brownie. I didn't make a cake bc he prefers brownies and bc we will be having cake in 2 days and then another for her birthday party. Now we are winding down and the kids are overstimulated... maybe it was the brownies right before bed.... lol but they WONT STAY IN BED! I'm going to go in the kitchen and see if they go to bed. Maybe its bc I'm home for a change (they tend to fight bedtime when I'm home from work) check out the extended amount of photos on facebook. I only added a few on here since its a pain =) goodnight!
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