Once the rains stopped and the winds calmed down I took the kids for a walk to the end of the road to see how bad the flooding was. We took pics so they have a record of where they were when Irene came through =) A lot of dress up and games were played. Maris beat me in Mario Party! (only once! haha) and we colored and cleaned the house. Jim took a full on attack of the kitchen and wiped down the walls and cleaned out the cabinets... left a bunch of stuff out for me to deal with... but beggars cant be choosers haha...
I've missed 2 nights of work and got barely anything done... haha I wish and wish for the time to get things done... I get trapped at home with no distractions really and I still just played with the kids, set time aside to doodle and draw, cleaned a bit - but the house still isn't clean... I guess the family time was time well spent. John Lennon said something to that effect... time you enjoy wasting was not wasted... =) back to busy life!

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