Today marks the 10th anniversary of George Harrison's death. I remember that I was a senior in high school and I was late to school so I could make a button to wear that said
all things must pass with his picture the morning I found out... I was always a bit of a Beatle nut... :) That weekend, my boyfriend at the time and I went to NYC to see Strawberry Fields and the Imagine Circle. It was my first time there and it was amazing. We stopped by twice that day since people were leaving so many items on the circle, the park maintenance guys kept coming and clearing it off... we wanted to stop back and see what was left there. I really really wish I could locate the pictures of what was on the circle... song lyrics, apples, flowers, pictures, letters and signs... I left a flower with a small note. I only have the pic of right after they cleared it off... we managed to hit a time when no one was really there so I could get a pic of me basically by myself with the circle.
So.. RIP George. I will be playing your music and feeling the love today.
some pics I found...

on another note.... I have fallen waaaaaaaay behind in blogland here... Thanksgiving was great. I will post about that either later today or tomorrow. Depends on if I get called out of work or not. It was slow last night so they told me I didnt have to come in. On one hand BONUS NIGHT OFF! but on the other hand... its right before Christmas and we could use the money. Well! I have a fish tank to clean and a shower to grab while the boy sleeps and the girl is playing her game... toodles!
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