So there was a massive snow storm on October 29th... the biggest in history for the date I believe... lots of people lost power for days... we were fortunate enough to keep power and heat all through the storm but ended up losing it for 2 days AFTER the snow was melting and the sun was out. weeird. The snow started on saturday night - making us postpone my brother's birthday/Halloween party until the next day. Fortunately he and my sister didnt lose power either.
It wasn't until Halloween afternoon that our power suddenly cut out and stayed out until late afternoon the next day...
theres so much to catch up on... I'm going to break it down by day :)
Saturday : it snowed. a lot. That terrible half dead tree in our yard broke into a bunch of pieces and fell all over the kids outdoor toys and our parking spots. Jim went out and dragged the limbs out by the road so the landlord could take them away. The other shots are from Sunday morning when I drove out to take pictures after the snow stopped falling.

Sunday: We went to Josh's birthday party with the zombie skeleton cake :) We ate some good food and hung out until I had to leave for work. I really needed some down time with the family :)

Monday: Halloween! Maris' enrichment classes were cancelled due to school power outages so we were home for the morning. Around 11:45 the power went out. I took the kids out with my friend Kimmie for lunch and then to the pet store to kill time before the Halloween parade in Warwick. That was a mob! The kids had fun and got to see a friend from our Moms group we havent seen in a while. He was Pooh Bear! At the end of the parade, they gave out little goodie bags and cider and donuts. Headed home after that to pick up Jim (power was still out) and our clothes to go stay overnight at his parents house. We did some trick or treating and then ate some dinner and it was overall a good evening. The day was super stressful bc the kids were being cranky and BAD bc they were coming down with something... I ended up being up ALL NIGHT with Maris with a crazy high fever and she was telling me her throat hurt. Trick or treating was a success in spite of the cold and snow. Jackson caught on quick and loved it. He was always the first to say thank you when he got his candy :)

Tuesday: Kids were iffy but on meds and now feel better. The power came back on!
Wednesday - We took the day to stay holed up at home in our jammies and watched movies and read books. Throats were still scratchy and noses were still running... can't shake these colds!!

30 Days Of Thanks :
November 1 - I am thankful for family willing to lend a helping hand
November 2 - I am thankful for the return of our power! Being displaced is not fun with 2 sick ones...
November 3 - I am thankful for motivation from friends/family to get my butt in gear with the photography thing :)
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