So Christmas Eve was great as usual. We have it at my Mom's house and she makes her amazing bread and lasagna that we look forward to all year.

Our Christmas Morning started at &am. The kids were up and talking to each other about how Santa did come. Jackson was under the impression that we were going to SEE him so he was briefly disappointed. Every gift he went "wow! thank you!" and it was soo cute!

we got him an rc car that is for 3 yrs and up and he was going NUTS! (he is still playing with it as I type this blog... haha)

Around 930ish we got dressed and headed to stop #2 on the Christmas adventure- Back to my Mom's for Christmas morning there.

Around 12 we packed up (had to leave most of the gifts behind to pick up later *tiny car!*) and headed to Jim's parents house for Christmas stop #3. We had french toast and bacon and Maris went on and on about her squinkees :)

I took oodles of great pics but in the interest of saving space and time, I only uploaded some faves. We watched Christmas Story and opened gifts and ate delicious food... took some super pie home for later... The kids really got the hang of opening gifts! They made some priceless faces haha

I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas. I know that we did! Now off to brave the post xmas sales and clearance! where to start! I hate tearing the kids away from their toys... but we have errands to run!
Looks like a MERRY CHristmas was had by the family!