We had our annual gingerbread house decorating party yesterday and it went very well. Maris was soo happy to have a bunch of her friends over to our house since I don't hold many things at our place due to it being so small. This year I hosted for 9 kids instead of last years 5, so i worried about space but we made do by using the train table as the decorating station. I dragged it into the kitchen and its wide and all - the kids fit in one place and it was low to the ground for the really little ones. All the kids were fantastic and genuinely seemed to enjoy decorating (and eating) their houses and cookies. I didnt add a bunch of the pics of the kids and all just out of respect of the parents who may not want their kids' images on here... just the group pics. Last year, I actually baked and assembled giant gingerbread houses myself. it was A LOOOOOT of work and took several hours of prep. so this year I went a bit smaller and got sugared chocolate graham crackers and made my own royal icing. they turned out great though and the kids didnt seem to mind the difference. and next year, my kids will have their aprons they are getting for Christmas! haha yay!
the kids waiting to decorate their houses

madness begins :)

all the kids were great - no fighting or terrible messes... definitely some sugar highs though!

I made a cookie after the kids were done :)
I had the idea to wrap the houses in basket wrap. it worked very well but I ran out after 3 houses! now I know for next years :)

my mom stayed and helped me clean up and it was a breeze. I love this tradition!
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