It has been 37 minutes since my first born sweeters got on the bus to go to Kindergarten for the first time... I still have my little Goob here, happily sprawled in the middle of the couch watching his show, to distract me, but it ALREADY is weird not having her here! This will take some adjustment.
I will always see this sweet baby when I look at her - no matter how much she grows |
Other parents of older children are always telling me to enjoy it all - every minute, even what seems like the bad, because it will all go so fast and you will miss it when it is gone. I simultaneously feel like I've had Maris in my life forever - she's so well adjusted for her age... and also like she is still my tiny preemie baby and it's too soon. I know full-heartedly that this is much harder for me than it is for her. She was so ready to go. I am proud of my brave precocious spunky fearless not-so-little-anymore "baby" girl.
Yesterday we went to the Meet the Teacher Kindergarten Orientation... she got to explore the school on a self guided tour and stick stickers on a checklist as we found the different classrooms she will be using. She made a name star for the bulletin board in her classroom and also got to meet her teacher and explore the classroom that will he hers. We got there and she walked in and looked around for friends like she owned the place. No nerves! As we left, she went to find her teacher to say "See you tomorrow!". I'm sure Mrs OConnor will love her.
her cubby locker |
Maris quote - "Classroom NUMBER FIVE!!! LIKE MY AGE!!!" |
her teacher had all the kids names on her shirt |
classroom scavenger hunt |
I printed this questionnaire and plan to do one every year |
I found the question sheet
We had a hard time getting her to fall asleep last night. It was a godsend that I had the night off so I would be sure to be awake and ready to see her off with the rest of the family. She read a bunch of books in her bed before finally dozing off well after 9pm.
She had no problem getting up in the morning... Daddy gave her some cocoa crispies before I got up and I got her dressed in what outfit she wanted to wear. I left it up to her and she chose well :)
I am having a side issue on the personal side.. I woke up gasping and crying because of an intense pain in my lower left abdomen... on my way back from getting some water, I almost passed out. (those who know of my medical issues in the past know I am no stranger to the event of fainting) *Jim actually calls me a Tenessee Fainting Goat - a real animal that exists to help keep sheep alive bc their muscles tense up for about 10 seconds, which is long enough for a wolf to get IT before the sheep>>> yeah, he calls me that haha* This type of pain has happened to me before about a year ago and it ended up being an ovarian cyst that burst. I sat in the ER for hours and missed work for them to tell me it will pass on its own. I was reluctant to go again so I just have been bearing it - plus... Im not going to drag everyone out of bed at 4am for that... and I couldnt drive myself. I have also had the same kind of pain that was an appendicitis "attack" but they didnt remove it... Jim thinks its one of these two things... whatever it is, it HURTS. What horrible timing with it being her first day of school... but ANYWAYS...
she loves her Minnie backpack |
he was jealous of all the to do |
MAris with her bus pas... ready to go! |
I limped and held my side and got her ready, did her hair, watched
Martha Speaks on PBS with her... walked down to the end of the driveway
looking like utter crap bc I put on whatever wouldn't press on my side
and didn't brush my hair or anything... lol but again.. anyways! She
skipped all the way down there and squealed when she saw her bus. I
managed to snap a few pictures before she got on the bus and headed off
on her journey of being a
big kid.
bus stop!! |
no hesitation... brave girl |
I think I might have cried a bit more had I not been distracted with the pain of rushing down to the bus (It was early!) |
She only has a half day for the first two days to get the Kindergarteners acclimated to their new lifestyle of school age kids. I packed her a lunch that includes some mini muffins (her answer for favorite snack) bc they will be eating before they come home.
Hopefully my pain will pass as it did the other day... then we can go out and get groceries and maybe an after school treat as planned... not go to urgent care. Maybe a hot shower will help... just have to set Jackson up with some Dinosaur Train! Noon will be here before we know it... I can't wait to hear how her day went!
I only teared up a little bit for a second. I know she is strong and smart and capable of anyhting she wants to do so she's fine! And she has a few friends in her class and her BFFS on the bus.
What a big girl she is!!! Cannot believe how fast time flies. :(
ReplyDeleteI keep saying that I can't wait for Naomi to start Kindergarten, but I don't realize how big of an adjustment that's going to be. It's all flying by!!
I hope you feel better!!! If you're still in pain later, you really should go to urgent care. Especially not knowing exactly what is causing it...<3