yesterday I didn't have a few minutes to upload or post so I am playing catch up today. After our productive yet confining Thursday, Friday was definitely a get-out-of-the-house kind of day. In the short time I left the kids to take a shower, they DESTROYED... I MEAN DESTROYED all of the cleaning and organization i spent the previous day doing... really brings you down that you cant sleep.. and cant even take a shower without them making you take 2 step backwards in progress. My house will never be clean. I had to get them out bc I wanted to cry. (and of course when Jim got home, I got the whole "you left with the house a mess" crap but not as bad as usual bc he can see how tired I have been) gaaah I'm complaining again... I need my vacation. So close, c'mon July.
anyhow... we ended up going over to Toys R Us and getting some clearance stuff for presents and summer activities and I ordered my bridesmaid dress for my cousins upcoming wedding, then took the kids to Chuck E Cheese to wear them out and get some lunch. It was much busier than expected, busier than I've ever seen it, but they had fun. Maris got to see one of her friends that she hasnt played with in months so that was nice. Then I came home, made dinner and went off to work. Tonight is expected to be crazy due to all the graduations so I am totally not ready. Never had an energy drink before but maybe I should try one to stay alive tonight. sigh
notgoingtocomplainnotgoingtocomplainnotgoingtocomplainnotgoingtocomplain sigh
today I have my sisters 31 party to get ready for soon and then my cousin is having a party right after it to celebrate being married for 10 years. Being that I can barely remember anything without my calendar, I forgot to request the night off, so I will be leaving the party to drop the kids with Jim (hope he's home in time!) and going into work. If he's working Sunday I'm gonna cry. I want a nap! lol
side note : my 26month old son is insisting he is a cat. He wont talk this morning, only meow. He meowed at the fridge and pointed at blueberries... what a weirdo. now he is sprawled on the couch meowing and Maris is petting him like a cat... I dont think cats like cheerios and blueberries as much as Jackson does, but more power to him =)
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